MH370 cover-up sealed by Malaysia’s final report

MH370 cover-up sealed by Malaysia’s final report

The final report on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 said nothing, only adding more lies to what is increasingly looking like a cover-up. 

What we do know is that the pilot had a flight simulator at home, and that he spent hours planning where to hide the plane. 
The next question is, did he have a motive? The plane was carrying mainly Chinese passengers. We could suppose that he, together with the co-pilot, planned to murder the Chinese passengers in revenge for the perceived treatment of the Uighers – a minority Muslim group in China – by the Chinese government. 
Why were all the tracking devices switched off? Perhaps because the pilots were up to no good. A few weeks earlier the pilot and co-pilot were taken to task for allowing attractive young women into the cockpit. They were two mavericks. 
The Malaysian government has never explained why the tracking devices were all switched off. It is obvious why. 
Alf Haupt 
Chon Buri 

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