China, Trump and Kim are agreed on one key point

FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018
China, Trump and Kim are agreed on one key point

Re: “Scrapping of Iran deal should give North Koreans pause”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Eric Bahrt thinks Kim Jong-un would be mad to enter into an agreement with the awful Trump. But he likely has no choice.
The real umpire is mighty guardian China, which is responsible for keeping North Korea from economic collapse. China wants US troops out of South Korea and, lo and behold, Kim and Trump want the same, albeit for very different reasons.
And there, Eric, you have the making of a deal. Beijing and Pyongyang doubtless believe the chances of the US later reneging on any compact are remote. Iran poses a threat to the US on multiple fronts, North Korea only because of some of its negotiable nukes.  
The details will be complex and Trump, interested mainly in photo opportunities and a win on his scorecard, may be no match for the wily Asians. They know an ignoramus when they meet one.  
Barry Kenyon

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