Conclusions based on contradictory evidence

SUNDAY, APRIL 01, 2018
Conclusions based on contradictory evidence

Re: Show us the evidence, Have your say, March 31

The only evidence is perhaps the remnant of chemicals found – and symptoms shown by the victims – that point to Russian-made nerve gas. The UK is arguing that the weapon is not an M16 rifle that anyone can acquire, but a toxic gas uniquely made and possessed by Russia. (Not sure if anyone out there is infringing the inventor’s intellectual property rights.) 
But there are contradicting reports about how the attack was carried out. On March 16, Reuters reported that, according to The Telegraph newspaper, the military-grade nerve toxin that poisoned former Russian agent Sergei Skripal was planted in his daughter’s suitcase before she left Moscow.
On March 29, Reuters again reported that, according to British counter-terrorism police, the deadly nerve toxin had in fact been left on the front door of their home in England.
From suitcase to front door, the two hypotheses seem to be wide apart. Fortunately, BBC News reported that the daughter is recovering. When Miss Skripal is able to talk to investigators, it might become clear how she was exposed to the deadly nerve agent and give some clue as to the plot. Was the nerve gas stored inside a milk bottle and placed on the doorstep by a disguised milkman? Let us keep guessing for the time being. 
Yingwai Suchaovanich

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