Will they really go after a former top cop?

Will they really go after a former top cop?

Re: Former national police chief suspected of links to Victoria’s parlour money trail, Feb 3, The Nation

“Authorities from DSI and other agencies raided the parlour last month and rounding up more than 100 masseuses who were mostly illegal migrants from neighbouring countries.”
All things considered, should they not be considered victims of human trafficking and forced sexual exploitation, rather than “illegal migrants”?
In the same spirit, liberated from exploitation rather than, “rounded up” might be more accurate.
He will be summoned, spoken to very nicely with loads of wais and then released without charge.    He certainly won’t be interrogated or have any of his assets frozen, as he has too many friends in high places. This is Thailand where true justice is unheard of !
Is there anyone straight here in this very flexible land?
Really ... that’s surprising! Usually, smart enough to have at “arm’s-length” like, wife or other relative’s arm’s length! Never mind, probably, get off with an inactive post or is that a pole, in this case?

“... it was found that a former national police chief was named in the parlour’s lists as a recipient of free services in March 2014.”
I borrowed her from a friend.
***** is in trouble, if only because he didn’t share the income with his brethren in green. At least buy a dude a watch. Those in charge are damned either way. Either they were, oh what’s the term they used for Yingluck, "negligent in their duties" by allowing these brothels to operate, or they knew about it, and were profiting.

Like the Rolls-Royce  case, names were on the list but will the corruption agency have the fortitude to call them out and charge them?
We know those in high positions and wealthy are unlikely to be charged and convicted. This is Thailand, after all.
Eric Loh

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