‘Compassion’ for Palestinians masks hatred for Jewish Israel 

‘Compassion’ for Palestinians masks hatred for Jewish Israel 

I feel enlightened by HHB’s poignant letter. First, finally an individual who knows the truth of what really happened in the Ahed Tamimi incident. How does he know? For all I know, there was a good reason the Israeli Defence Force “cowards” shot her cousin.

But what bothers HHB more than anything is the video clip showing Ahed punching, shoving and cursing two IDF soldiers, who do not react and instead just stand there and allow the girl to abuse them.
Just to set the record straight: the last Israeli soldier who unjustifiably shot a Palestinian is now in jail. From a historical perspective, however, these “cowards” have stood up to many hostile Arab and Muslim armies over the last seven decades.
Finally, I would like to read about HHB’s concern regarding the rights of Kurds, Chechens and Rohingya. But of course it will not happen, because HHB and others like him don’t really give a hoot about them – or indeed the Palestinians. It’s all about Jewish Israel.
Tikfetzu Lee

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