(Scene: London. The headquarters of MI6, the British intelligence agency.)
MI6 official: Sir, we have detected a Thai submarine lurking in our waters east of Dover.
MI6 head: I didn’t know the Thais had submarines.
Official: They have one, sir.
Head: How do we know it’s Thai?
Official: Our powerful sensors have detected the smell of plaa raa – that’s fermented fish sauce – coming from the galley.
Head: Any idea what they’re doing here?
Official: We’ve intercepted their communications and learned that they plan to launch attack helicopters to snatch their fugitive former prime minister when she’s out shopping at Harrods.
Head: How can they launch attack helicopters from a submarine?
Official (sternly): Sir, this is a fantasy.
Head: Oops, sorry, I forgot.
Official: Shall we blow the sub out of the water, sir?
Head: No, no, no, that might be interpreted as a hostile act. Notify the Thai embassy that we’ve detected their submarine and wish to know its purpose.
Official: Sir, I’ve just received a message that the sub is leaving our waters and is heading back to Thailand.
Head: Why would they do that?
Official: They’ve run out of plaa raa, sir.
(To be continued, maybe.)
S Tsow