The Indian Ocean is over 70 million square kilometres in size. The MH370’s range could cover about one third of that – still a vast area. Meanwhile a minuscule 120,000 sq km has so far been searched.
So why would anyone feel confident they could find the missing jetliner, or indeed resume the search without first receiving cash up front? The odds of success make the new “no find, no fee” hunt simply economically unviable.
Two of my previous letters very clearly identify how MH370 could be found – and perhaps even has been found already (“Internet of Things holds key to mystery of MH370” and “IoT could find MH370 crash site right now”, September 16 and 21, 2016). The technology to unlock this mystery already exists, and my description of how this could be done is both accurate and realistic.
Have the Ocean Infinity surveyors, the Malaysian Department of Transport and the Australian Transportation Safety Board contacted Graham Phillip Bloy of IoT trailblazer RF Controls llc and asked whether he has ANY idea where MH370 dwells? Is there a “third hand” that is in fact already in possession of the co-ordinates for MH370? Scepticism over the $90 million bounty is perhaps warranted here. Ther may be more than meets the eye with this latest search effort.
Al Eberhardt