After a decade lost to coups, is business bouncing back? 

After a decade lost to coups, is business bouncing back? 

Re: “Report shows that Thailand means business”, The Nation, yesterday.

The Nation: “The World Bank Group’s latest ‘Doing Business’ report ranks Thailand 26th among 190 economies for ease of doing business for small and medium enterprises – up from 48th place.”
I think the World Bank Group needs to get out of their office a bit more. I don’t even run a business here, but I know that running a business here is pure madness. The second that you run up against officialdom (and you quickly will), you are in for it.
Run fast and far while you can, come back when you can afford it.
Thailand is GREAT when you aren’t trying to make money.
Samui Bodoh
It takes time to find good productive people there. When you do, you must tiptoe through Thai officialdom. Thailand has helped our business, but thankfully the junta soured our ambitions of setting up an office there.  It is a nice place to visit, but I would not want to set up a business there.
 And yet there are many successful businesses here. There are many foreign businesses here through joint ventures and subsidiary companies. Many foreign tech businesses here are successful. It seems that those who aren’t successful like to blame the PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal) environment. Those that are successful mostly keep a low profile.
I’ve seen success and failure here – by Thai and foreigner. It’s not the easiest environment for sure; but to suggest it’s considerably worse than the World Bank report says is based on what? Your “gut feeling”? 
The World Bank is partnered with the UN. I know several current and former employees. All are very well qualified, academically and experience-wise, and have access to development programmes. Slagging them off because something they do doesn’t fit your viewpoint (based on what?) doesn’t really cut the mustard.
It’s good to make use of the current lull time to improve the business process. What else can you do when there are so few new investments both domestic and foreign?
Eric Loh
You should read up on all the announcements, Eric.
Thailand, obviously, isn’t doing so bad. Not exactly being ignored and punished is it?
I wouldn’t settle for “doing not bad”. We should be Asian Tigers if not for a wasted decade of two coups. We should be averaging 6 per cent GDP and not struggling and bragging when we hit 3.6 per cent. We have been punished by foreign direct investors that decided to go elsewhere. So much losing.
Eric Loh

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