Whirlwind of emotion clouding judgement on Islam, climate change 

Whirlwind of emotion clouding judgement on Islam, climate change 

Re: “Are hurricanes Harvey, Irma related to climate change?”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

JC Wilcox’s paranoid obsession with Islamist terrorism, which he infers applies to all Muslims, now extends to idiocy about the Earth’s climate. His so-called arguments demonising Muslim people have been comprehensively demolished in this column time after time, so there is no need to dwell on them here. For what it is worth, my advice would be to separate the two distinct issues, and stop writing gonads about both.
Now, on Wednesday, in his blind support of Trump the denier – a man out of step with almost every country regarding the scientifically proven main issue here – he allows his overheated tripe to reach new depths of bullshine.
The overwhelming evidence that contradicts Wilcox’s amateurish waffle is well established. But true to form JC insists in going off on one. That is his right, but being consciously on a different page from the overwhelmingly majority is plain silly and downright stubborn.
Simon Ordsall

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