Why US expats might be more worried about their president than pensions

Why US expats might be more worried about their president than pensions

Re: “Expats should worry about their pensions”, Letters, The Sunday Nation. 

Sombat Kapeng (September 10) believes the “only thing” that should concern American expats is their pensions. So, does their crackpot “president” having access to US nuclear codes pale into insignificance by comparison? 
Indeed, Khun Sombat considers that such “trivia”, affecting untold millions rather than a few thousand pensioners, is a wasteful form of debate. I believe that Messrs Pike, Wilcox, Bahrt, Grant, various aliases, and others, including me of course, would beg to differ. Sombat may consider us to be “irrational”, but when we have a man in the White House who some consider to be a hero, while the majority have an adverse view of his character, it is an entirely rational and indeed critical issue to continue debate on the presidency as matters evolve.  
Dr Frank

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