Reason, evidence our best shield against ‘Don the con’ 

Reason, evidence our best shield against ‘Don the con’ 

Re: “The Nation allows free airing of opinions”, Have Your Say, September 3.

The letter by Frank was heartening. I thought I was the only one whose letters were not published in a certain newspaper, even when points more or less identical to mine would regularly appear in its Letters column. My complaint to the editor about this caused me to be kicked off the list of contributors.
I still regret that The Nation abolished the possibility of commenting directly online to a published letter, as this would make life far easier. Writing and sending a letter takes more time and comes with no guarantee of publication. Meanwhile, when I respond rationally and with strong evidence against the outright lunacy expressed by some letter-writers here, they usually refuse to engage in debate. This is especially the case in their failure to acknowledge the delusional nature of the egomaniac, pathological liar currently in control at the White House. (More than 1,000 lies documented in the last seven months!) Supporting this idiot implies you have the same disregard for truth and evidence as he does. So there’s no use writing letters to refute such opinions in this column, founded as they are on baseless beliefs, cognitive dissonance and a refusal to debate rationally.

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