The Nation reports that “the NACC will indict former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra and 33 of her former Cabinet members in September on grounds that they had approved compensation for political victims during the unrest between 2005-2010 without any legal grounds to back up their decision”.
Wow, all the ministers? So the next government can press charges against the junta in case of any failings during their stewardship?
Hakimi Ezarul
No, they can’t, since the junta has already passed a law granting themselves immunity for everything they do. Of course a daring future government could try to overrule that law, but you can imagine what would happen next.
Oliver Braun
This is all going to get messy and fast come the new year.
Dave Western
No one person is above the law!
Craig L Smith
This could cause a lot of problems for Thailand. There are some fanatical supporters who won’t back down to the junta, and Yingluck is going down 100 per cent.
Mark Cookson
They are trying to destroy her with all means available, hoping to hit Thaksin with this. Funnily enough, Thailand had the best economic growth in years during her rule, whereas the junta hasn’t been able to create even the smallest growth because of sheer incompetence.
Oliver Braun