Is the Thai justice system contributing to political divide?

Is the Thai justice system contributing to political divide?

Re: “Yellow shirt leaders spared”, The Nation, July 21.

The Nation reports that “the Court of First Instance yesterday [July 20] dismissed the sedition charge against six leaders of the now defunct People’s Alliance for Democracy”.
That’s how reconciliation works...
The court deems defamation a more serious crime than seven months’ occupation of a government institution, which is strategic infrastructure whose seizure is thus considered a terrorist act. The former went straight to jail while the latter got a slap on the wrist with penalties suspended for two years. It would seem that the “fairness” of the judiciary system is contributing to the political divisiveness and hindering reconciliation. 
Eric Loh
It is because there was no election that the judicial system cannot now be reformed. There is too much power outside the system. We have to bring all the power inside system. Only then can we have reform.
Plenty of reds have been acquitted over the years. Also don’t forget that Sondhi was convicted and is serving time.
Let’s be honest, both reds and yellows need to be locked up and disbanded. Neither is any good for the country – they simply cause too much crap.
Agreed 100 per cent: we can do without the street protests. Let yellow protest in Bangkok and red in Chang Mai – both somewhere in a location where they won’t bother anyone else. 

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