The jury is still out on Donald Trump

The jury is still out on Donald Trump

Re: “Thais need to decide what democracy really is” and “Putin is not the devil or Trump’s master,” Letters, January 8.

It did not improve my morning mood to read yet another tedious screed from JC Wilcox banging on about democracy. My advice to him for the new year: Give it a rest, JC.
Then Clara Holzer complains: “President-elect Trump has not yet been sworn in and you dismiss him like he is unworthy.” Well, Clara, that’s because much of his past conduct screams that he IS unworthy.  Note his self-advertised fondness for grabbing women by the genitals. Michael Bloomberg summed him up best when he said, “I’m from New York, and I know a con when I see one.” 
We found out almost everything we need to know about Don the Con during the campaign, when he revealed himself to be a vainglorious, self-obsessed, unprincipled, loudmouthed bully.  He is ruthless, too. He would say anything to crush his opponents, and pandered to the basest instincts of the American public. The only thing we don’t know about him is whether he is capable of change.
While it may be unreasonable to expect a 70-year-old man to change, circumstances might force him to. In the past he has shown what his fans will call strategic flexibility, but what his foes will call eating his own words. Witness his unapologetic climb-down from his accusation that President Obama was not born in America. 
Nobody doubts that he is smart. But so far his great gifts have been balanced by equally great flaws. When he realises he has made a mistake he is capable of tacking with the wind. If he can shift gears and work selflessly for the benefit of the nation instead of for his own self-aggrandisement, he could turn out to be a great president.    
We won’t know till it happens. Till then, the jury is out.
Ye Olde Pedant 

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