Traffic hazards and motorbike taxis on the sidewalks 

Traffic hazards and motorbike taxis on the sidewalks 

Dear Minister,

I have just completed another wonderful visit to the Kingdom of Thailand. A few thoughts:
I know that people with disabilities are pleased with the ramps that were installed on Bangkok sidewalks. Unfortunately they are now being used as motorcycle taxi ramps and the sidewalk has become a motorway. I have many friends who complain about the motorcycles on the sidewalks as an unsafe walking area.
Sidewalks as you know were designed to keep people safe and away from traffic!
One additional issue: road traffic.
I don’t know if you have ever tried to cross Silom Rd or Sathorn Rd, it can be a terrifying experience! Many people call it a “dance with death!”
Motorbike taxis travelling the wrong way; motorbike taxis that do not stop for red lights; vehicles making a left turn on to a one-way road and failing to check to see if there are pedestrians in the cross-walk in front of them; vehicles that don’t stop when there are pedestrians on the zebra crossing … As I have gotten older I have become more fearful of these road hazards.
I have never seen a police officer that has pulled over a driver for these violations. Where are they?
I have been coming to Thailand for over 15 years and enjoy every visit. Please let me know your thoughts.
James Mewes

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