The art of building a hospital

The art of building a hospital

Four renowned artists create original pieces to boost fundraising

FOR ALMOST 50 YEARS, the Ramathibodi Foundation under the Patronage of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn has spread the message of the Power of Giving. This year, four artists are helping fundraising efforts by donating their talents to create exclusive works of art. 
The foundation raises money to support the Faculty of Medicine at Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, to improve the health and well-being of Thai people regardless of their financial status. It helps thousands of underprivileged patients every year.
Recently, four renowned artists – M.L. Jirathorn “Kru Toh” Jiraprawat, Somnuek “Kru Parn” Klangnok, and siblings Pattreeda “Pang” and Nualtong “Nual” Prasarnthong – collaborated with the foundation to transform the “Power of Giving” into exclusive works of art. Proceeds from sales of this special collection will help fund the construction of Chakri Naruebodindra Medical Institute (CNMI) at the hospital, which is expected to open in late 2017.
M.L. Jirathorn named his special collection of Kru Toh signature souvenirs “Give with Love”, presented through Prince and Princess characters in grey.
“I’ve illustrated characters for the foundation every year. I feel that when we do good it’s like we have a good dream and we want to continue this sweet dream, don’t want to wake up. Giving is the beautiful thing when my illustration, this year about the prince and princess. It brings happiness to the users whether on the mug or the towel,” Jirathorn points. 
Somnuek designed “Little Angels”, three little angels in pink, reflecting that givers are surrounded by little angels. He says that normally his character would wear hoods, but this year is special because he thinks that the givers should have a noble heart, no matter whether they are rich or poor. 
Pattreeda created “Giving Gifts of Happiness and Health”, drawing happy characters in pink. “Since we do the collection for the hospital, I’d like to encourage happy and lively feelings. So I drew fun characters being active such as running or jumping,” she says. 
Nualtong’s concept is “The Best Gift of Good Health”, which is similar to her sister’s images of exercises such as the hula-hoop and dumbbell, and climbing stairs to stay fit. “I’d like everyone to take good care of their health,” she said.
Punsiree Kunakornpaiboonsiri-talks, the managing director of the Ramathibodi Foundation, said the objective of the souvenir collection is to raise awareness about giving. 
“The project is now in its fourth year. This year the foundation invited four charitable artists to design products in the special collection. This year’s products are more diverse, such as towels, mugs, mugs with lids, scarves and bags in various shapes, which make great collectibles and gifts, bringing happiness and a smile to the recipient,” she said.
“Last year, the special collection of souvenirs was very well-received. CNMI is a public hospital and medical school offering services to people in the eastern region of Thailand where about 1.2 million people live. 
“It is a 400-bed hospital with a capacity to treat 1 million outpatients and 17,000 in-patients a year. Currently, construction is 90 per cent completed,” she says. 
  The “Giving and Happiness” collection for 2016 by the four artists includes: Works by M.L. Jirathorn include towel sets of two in large and small sizes priced at Bt339 and ceramic mug sets in two patterns, priced at Bt199. Works by Somnuek include towel sets of two in large and small sizes priced at Bt339 and ceramic mugs with lid priced at Bt159. 
  Works by Pattreeda and Nualtong include suitcases priced at Bt520, shoulder bags priced at Bt399, handbags priced at Bt299, chiffon scarves priced at Bt199, and pencil bags priced at Bt99. Products from the special collection by the four designers will be available for advanced reservation online at www.ramafoundation.or.thon October 17-27, 2016 and for purchase with limited availability at Ramathibodi Foundation and online at www.ramafoundation.or.thon November 1, 2016 onward. 
 Donations can be made at Siam Commercial Bank, Ramathibodi branch, account number 026-3-05216-3, Bangkok Bank, Ramathibodi Hospital Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center branch, account number 090-3-50015-5. For more information, call 02-201-1111 |during business hours.

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