I don’t always agree with JC Wilcox, but his most recent letter contained an observation that rang true. Thai-style Buddhism has “digressed into an industry of fairground proportions where money is God”, Wilcox said.
In my adopted hometown of Chiang Rai, there are two examples of that. One is the White Temple south of town, which is greying from mildew. The other is a gargantuan female Buddha statue north of town, which wants to become the Disneyland of Thai/Chinese Buddhism.
To add to the fairground atmosphere, they have very loud recordings blasting outward for 10 kilometres in all directions. One tape loop lasts seven seconds, the other is a request for Bt100 donations and lasts 17 seconds. They go on for hours. Note, less than half the people within earshot are Buddhists. The majority of listeners are Muslim, Christian or agnostic. Yet they all have the loud sounds pumped into their homes and shops. There is no “off button”. It’s either listen or leave.
Kip Keino