PTT hotel plan will make long-haul road trips better

FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016
PTT hotel plan will make long-haul road trips better

Re: “PTT plans budget hotels at stations”, Business, June 23.

The PTT plan to establish 50 low-priced hotels at some of its 1,400 petrol stations is clever. 
In contrast to the generally negative view of petrol stations, the cleanliness of the restrooms at the eight PTT stations we visited recently was a nice surprise, as were the reasonably nice string of shops where we could stretch our legs. My colleagues and I – 1,600 employees and their dependants – travelled in 43 coaches, covering the 760 kilometres from Bangkok to Khao Lak in 15 hours. The trip was easy, relatively safe and pleasant, with regular stops at PTT stations. 
The budget hotels cannot be anything but successful because of the excellent roads and scenic views suited to motoring travellers. 
Though Thailand shamefully ranks second in the world for road fatalities, our trip didn’t feel treacherous at all and, also to our surprise, the other drivers were quite disciplined, especially those at the wheel of trucks. For those who have not travelled long-distance by in a while, a motoring holiday is a good choice, and will be well enhanced with the coming PTT hotels. 
Songdej Praditsmanont
Thailand Web Stat