More than 12 coups since WWII is no way to create a democracy

More than 12 coups since WWII is no way to create a democracy

A Johnsen (Letters 22 April) informs us that all functioning democracies start with the actions of people like Prayut. This is approaching 20 such occasions that these, “actions” of military intervention have disrupted Thailand since World War II.

One may forgive one or two, but well over a dozen coups d’etat is taking the mickey. It emphatically has not instituted a fledgling democracy, which takes a relatively long time to take root without
constant meddling in any event.
Repeated overthrowing of elected governments, however unsavoury, does not create functioning democracies at all. Methinks Johnsen protesteth too much to the contrary.
Look, for example, at the UK. Military meddling created a ruinous civil war that only resulted in a restoration of the status quo. So much for “democratic” quick fixes.
Dr Darke

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