An island of rational debate amid sea of intolerance, bigotry

An island of rational debate amid sea of intolerance, bigotry

Re: “A hotbed of anti-govt, pro-red reporting”, Letters, April 6.

Clara Holzer emulates Vint Chavala in directing unjustified, intemperate and completely inaccurate criticism at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand. She also describes members of the club as “followers” of BBC correspondent Jonathan Head, which I am sure will be the cause of much jocularity around the club bar.
The problem is that, in Thailand at the moment, the political situation remains so divisive that any comments by the media, local or foreign, deemed even mildly critical of anyone’s political outlook will be immediately denounced as biased, uninformed or designed to sow chaos and misunderstanding.
Fortunately there are still prominent public figures here with much-needed wisdom and maturity, who are doing their best to hold back the tides of intolerance and bigotry. Only recently the respected elder statesman Anand Panyarachun outlined his vision of the way forward for Thailand at a function hosted by the FCCT.
If such a distinguished gentleman is willing to use the club as a forum, I don’t think Mr Head and his “followers” need worry about sniping from those who lack Mr Anand’s open-mindedness and tolerance.
Robin Grant

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