Be politically correct or face arrest for honesty

FRIDAY, APRIL 01, 2016
Be politically correct or face arrest for honesty

When will the facts, the truth, be laid bare? Yes, George W Bush with his trumped-up Iraq war and Hillary Clinton notoriously misconstruing the Benghazi affair have stirred up a hornet’s nest in the Middle East.

While both should be facing the International Criminal Court in The Hague, that would not be the solution to the global evil to which we are currently being subjected.
The totalitarian political ideology of Islam has declared war on western democracies in its quest for world domination. Appeasement and moral cowardice will not prevent this invasion. The current weakness displayed by western leadership is only encouraging the aggressive rampage with its open-border invitation.
When England suffered the blitz of mass bombing in World War II, citizens did not cringe in sorrow. They fought back doubly hard – and won. Under strong, patriotic leadership they used their intellect and technology to thwart their fascist enemy.
The media, instead of referring to Islamic fundamentalism, use the terms “terrorism” and “ISIS”.  The difference between the 1940s and now is political correctness. To tell the truth in the West about the current atrocities risks arrest on charges of contravening PC with racist and anti-Islamic remarks. Ludicrous though this may be, it happened to a man in Croydon when he asked a Muslim women about Brussels. It is naive in the extreme to think that Muslims will denounce the aggressors in their midst. 
Muslims do not integrate into their host societies but withdraw into enclaves that become no-go areas for authorities. I’ve personally experienced this in both London and Paris. Muslim areas become a law unto themselves, providing perfect refuge for those attacking civilised countries. The West must ban Sharia law and impose democratic laws while ignoring disingenuous cries of Islamophobia. Western democracy, with its obsessive fear of PC, is on the road to suicide.
JC Wilcox
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