Buyers beware in downtown Bangkok

Buyers beware in downtown Bangkok

The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONREPP) continues to avoid answering the following simple question, a prerequisite to the environmental-impact-assessment process of another new high-rise building: What is the rule of

Developers, hotel “owners” and operators continue to gamble with the lives of residents, visitors and pedestrians on a daily basis. Complaints go unheeded and the police and other authorities do nothing, either through improbity or impotence. A whistleblower has been falsely accused of defamation and is now blacklisted. Embassies notified of the problem have failed to investigate or issue health and safety warnings to international travellers. 
To those investing in leasehold property in central Bangkok, check the legality of EIA certification carefully and study the contract and building insurance and even probe into who really owns the property. Investigate whether common law applies in the area and whether it can be practically applied when laws are broken. Beware of totally corrupt due processes that do not answer to the rule of law.
Yet another cover-up of massive proportions, involving numerous entities, looks to be manifesting. The evidence demonstrates that there is no rule of law in parts of central Bangkok and ONREPP’s silence appears to suggest agreement on this. By hook or by crook, a reliable answer to the question must and will be found. To accomplish this is very much in the public interest.
John Shepherd
Thailand Web Stat