Brazilians march in favor of the decriminalisation of cannabis

SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2022
Brazilians march in favor of the decriminalisation of cannabis

Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Sao Paulo on Saturday to demand the decriminalisation of cannabis in Brazil.

The event organised by the “Marcha da Maconha” (March for the Marijuana) Movement returns this year after a two-year wait due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The demonstrators gathered outside Sao Paulo´s Museum of Art calling for a definitive truce on the war on drugs and for the decriminalization of the possession, cultivation, and consumption of medical and recreational cannabis.

“It's not fair for a child to have 80 seizures a day and not have access to the treatment because the family can't pay for the treatment (with Cannabidiol) they don't have access to it,” said Barbara Gael, a demonstrator attending the march.


In Brazil, the growing and possession of small amounts of marijuana and other drugs were decriminalized in 2006 but buying and selling remain illegal.

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