The story is about “Reform Sentai: Ishin Jai”, a group of characters resembling sentai-costumed superheroes, confronting “Unfair Daron” and other monsters that represent problems with social security and taxation systems, and other issues. Ishin Jai’s goal is to defeat the monsters using their policies, which are explained in terms that are easily understood.
“We’d like to use this as a gateway [to introduce our policies],” said Nippon Ishin no Kai secretary-general Fumitake Fujita.
The manga will be used by Diet members to convey the party’s policies.
Although Ishin advocates drastic reforms, the party aligns with the Liberal Democratic Party on constitutional reform and security policies. Therefore, Ishin has decided to differentiate itself by formulating the new Japan Grand Reform Plan that focuses on three areas: taxation, social security and growth strategies.
The Japan News
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