The upgraded warning level means that all entertainment venues, including but not limited to exhibition centers, movie theaters, gyms, activity centers, music halls, museums, indoor ice-skating arenas, indoor swimming pools, and amusement parks, will be closed for the next two weeks.
The same is true for education-related venues, study halls, training centers, classes for the elderly, social education institutes, and more.
Wearing face masks is mandatory outdoors and all unnecessary activities and gatherings should be canceled.
Indoor gatherings should not exceed five people (not accounting for family members) and outdoor activities should not exceed 10 participants.
In addition, citizens are asked to monitor their health and seek medical help immediately should virus-related symptoms appear.
All necessary businesses must control the number of people in their store at all times, requiring that customers wear face masks and maintain social distance.
In addition, businesses are advised to provide options such as working from home or allow more flexibility in working hours.
Restaurants that do not provide take-outs, should follow regulations and collect customers’ personal information as well as set up partitions in dining areas and maintain social distance.