New road map targets connectivity, innovation and talent

New road map targets connectivity, innovation and talent

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Singapore has built up its reputation as a bustling international maritime hub over the past decades, but it now has a new detailed road map to chart the next phase of growth.
The aim, as laid out by the International Maritime Centre (IMC) 2030 Advisory Committee in its report, is for Singapore to become the global maritime hub for connectivity, innovation and talent.
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) had set up the advisory committee in August last year to chart the direction of Singapore as a maritime hub.
The committee said Singapore should further widen and deepen its IMC cluster by harnessing both physical and nonphysical trade flows.
Singapore will need to strengthen inter-linkages within the Singapore IMC cluster by further entrenching maritime players here and broadening the depth and range of activities, including possible co-location of existing and new maritime-related ones.
It will also have to strengthen links with adjacent industries such as commodity trading, logistics and e-commerce, as well as with other complementary international maritime clusters, through stronger business ties, collaborations on research and development, training and education, and development of new international standards and regulations. Innovation should also remain a key focus of Singapore’s IMC, said the committee.

Future capabilities
This will enable the development of future capabilities and solutions that build on emerging technologies, such as autonomous systems, robotics, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
At the same time, talent remains a critical success factor, and the sector, known collectively as Maritime Singapore, will need to continue building a future-ready workforce with relevant skills and a global mindset that anticipates the future needs of the industry, it said.
These recommendations were unveiled yesterday at the Singapore Shipping Association’s 32nd anniversary gala dinner at Marina Bay Sands.
Committee chairman Andreas Sohmen Pao told a briefing earlier this week that it was timely to review Maritime Singapore’s growth strategy to stay relevant amid changing global trends.
This is especially important as the industry continues to face significant headwinds, such as slowing growth and changing trade patฌterns, accelerating technological change and disruption, as well as growing competition from other maritime centres.
He acknowledged that there is only so much Singapore can do in terms of “hardware” or infrastructure, which is why it must continue to build on its “software”.
“There is a lot of capital, a lot of infrastructure development in the region, and how do we stay ahead? It is by capturing some of these softฌer aspects like innovation, talent and connectivity,” he said.
Senior Minister of State for Transport Lam Pin Min, who was at the event, noted that the report is a call for Maritime Singapore to take bold steps to embrace technology and innovation, invest in developฌing people, and seek new ventures in a more connected world.
Dr Lam also said that the Government would study the recommendations and work with industry to implement them.

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