May Myat Noe's first interview


Once accused of being a 'liar' and 'thief', former beauty queen May Myat Noe has eventually managed to clear her name after securing endorsement from the Miss Asia Pacific Supetalent of the World Organisation that issued an official statement absolvin

 Now pursuing a career in both film and music, May Myat Noe has recently been selected to be one of the Shwe Kyo (award bearer) to carry the golden statues for the winners of this year's Myanmar Academy Awards to be held on December 27. In this exclusive interview with the Myanmar Eleven, May Myat Noe tells us how she’s got a new lease of life.
Why did you want to apply for a role as a Shwe Kyo for the Academy Awards?
I'm currently starring in films as an actress. The Academy Awards is a grand ceremony for the film industry where top performing artists are awarded. I wanted to take part in this ceremony so I applied to be one of the Shwe Kyo.
Do you need to train after you’ve become one? 
I have learned that I will need to train with a teacher named Brian. I will also need to meet and negotiate with the designers and make-up artists. I will try my best in executing my onstage duties. 
Do you feel the truth has prevailed in the controversy surrounding the Miss Asia Pacific World Organisation?
I'm very happy. I thank God that all of my fans across the country now know the truth. Just like the saying that goes 'you can't hide the truth forever'; the truth has revealed itself now. Nevertheless, I believe all of my fans will feel satisfied now. 
What to do with the crown?
It's become quite clear that I deserved the crown. International judges chose me. I didn't make any mistakes after the competition was over. So I believe that I don't need to return it. Now the truth has come out so it's become clearer now. Nevertheless, I really believe I did deserve this crown.
What lesson have you learned from this experience?
I’ve learned many lessons especially about the need to think things through, not to be gullible and deceived so easily, and make a decision only after thinking twice. Even though we try to live a pure and simple life, we may need to face many complications. I have learned that there are many things I still need to learn in order to overcome these issues truthfully. That's why I have been doing my best at school and trying to read whenever I have some spare time. I’m preparing myself to improve my communication with the public. I'm doing as best as I can.
Will you go acting professionally?
I have always wanted to work as an entertainer since I was young. That's why I took part in the Eain Mat Sone Yar singing competition. No, I have been given the chance to act so I do my best whatever role I play.  I'm also learning from my seniors. I'll continue to pursue this career, but I also want to sing as well.
What does it take to be a better entertainer?
I have been learning a lot about acting. I have been watching many films and reading many books. When I'm on the set, I learn from my senior actors and follow the instructions of the director. I still need to learn a lot. I'm trying my best to use my time wisely.
How about your music career?
Now, I'm performing in rural areas. I will try to release my debut album. So far, I have only been performing at concerts. I'm very happy since I get to interact directly with my fans.
Are you still doing charity work?
I have been doing work for charity as much as I can with my fellow contestants from Eain Mat Sone Yar for quite a while. Recently I participated in collecting donations for Kachin State, which I took great delight in. I will continue to participate in such kinds of activities.
Any message to your supporters?
I won't be here if it’s not for my fans. I want to thank them for the love that they’ve given me. I will continue to do my best.