Bangkok opens Covid-19 treatment centre for children aged 3-14

Bangkok opens Covid-19 treatment centre for children aged 3-14

Children aged 3-14 who have contracted Covid-19 but whose parents are unable to provide proper care under the home isolation system can be admitted to the Isolation Centre for Children on Nakhon Chai Si Road in Kiak Kai subdistrict, Dusit district, said Bangkok governor Aswin Kwanmuang on Sunday.

“Daily infections in Bangkok are continually climbing especially in children and the seniors. However, some families may have difficulty isolating children or providing care due to work restrictions,” he said. “The centre will therefore take in children aged 3-14 who will be treated in isolation with around the clock monitoring.”

To admit an infected child to the centre, contact district public health office, hotlines 1330 or 1669, or register online via Line official account @BKKCOVID19CONNECT.

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