3 possible scenarios with Omicron in Thailand

3 possible scenarios with Omicron in Thailand

The number of Omicron cases has surged across the world, with even Thailand recording over 500 patients so far.

The Public Health Ministry has said that infections will be closely monitored and has tasked the Department of Disease Control to come up with three scenarios:

Least favourable: This is the scenario that nobody wants but will arise if people do not adhere to prevention measures. It will take three to four months to control the disease with 30,000 new patients and as many as 180 deaths expected per day.

Possible: This scenario will occur if people follow the universal prevention measures and businesses follow the VUCA guidelines – vaccine, universal protection, Covid-free setting and antigen test kits. There will be up to 16,000 cases and some 100 deaths daily.

Most favourable: This will occur if people strictly adhere to prevention measures and avoid gatherings. Businesses, including bars and restaurants, strictly follow all prevention and protection measures. There will be some 10,000 new patients and 60 to 70 deaths per day. This will take one or two months to control.


3 possible scenarios with Omicron in Thailand

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