Seven-tonne Chanthaburi elephant dies from electric shock


A wild elephant – believed to be one of the biggest in Asia – from Chanthaburi’s Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary died from electric shock at a fruit farm on Tuesday morning.

A fruit farmer in Pong Nam Ron district in Chanthaburi reported the incident of the elephant found dead on his land around 3am on Tuesday.

The poor creature was later identified as “See Dor Daeng”, an 18-year-old male elephant weighing more than seven tonnes.

See Dor Daeng was said to be the most intelligent among his herd as he had earlier managed to escape from the wildlife centre through electric wires and canals.

The officials said the cause of death was due to electric shock as the elephant’s trunk was still attached to the wire.

Seven-tonne Chanthaburi elephant dies from electric shock

The landowner admitted that he installed a 220-volt electric wire around his property, which was against the Wildlife Act.

He is expected to be prosecuted.

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