Getting shrimp and a trim in Kalasin

Getting shrimp and a trim in Kalasin

With customers generally staying away to protect themselves from Covid-19, a barber in Kalasin’s Yan Talat district has decided to go mobile.

Sittisak Chobphimai, 35, said he will initially set up his truck outside his aunt’s shrimp store every weekend. This way, he said, customers coming to buy shrimp can also get a trim.

He said he is also giving a 50-per-cent discount to help people.

“I will charge 50 baht for a haircut in the open air and 60 baht for one inside the airconditioned truck. Customers wanting me to visit them at home will be charged based on the distance and situation,” he said.


Getting shrimp and a trim in Kalasin

Sittisak’s aunt Supawan Polyiam, 52, said her shop usually gets busy during the weekend, especially since her shop also doubles as a café.

Getting shrimp and a trim in Kalasin


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