DRT tackling noise, security problems on Red Line route

DRT tackling noise, security problems on Red Line route

The Department of Rail Transport (DRT) is conducting an investigation into complaints by residents that the Red Line urban trains from Bang Sue to Rangsit stations are creating excessive noise since the line opened for public use on August 2.

“We have dispatched technicians to use sound meters to check the noise level along tracks in those areas and should have the results soon,” DRT director-general Kittiphan Panchan said on Wednesday.

“Initially, the DRT is considering installing noise barriers along the tracks in residential areas to minimise the impact on surrounding communities,” he said.

DRT tackling noise, security problems on Red Line route

Kittiphan also said that during the survey officials discovered that cables at track axle counters have gone missing, which rendered the mechanical system inoperable.

“We speculated that someone might have broken into the track system to steal the cables,” he said.

“The DRT will install additional CCTV cameras in risky areas, increase the number of security guards, and do away with parking sites at connecting tracks to prevent intruders,” he added.


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The Red Line train comprises two routes. The Bang Sue-Rangsit route is 26km long with 10 stations and a total travel time of 25 minutes. The Bang Sue-Taling Chan route is 15km long with three stations and a travel time of about 15 minutes. Fares range from THB12 to THB42.

Each train runs at an interval of 30 minutes during normal hours. During rush hours (7-9am and 5-7.30pm), trains arrive every 15 minutes.

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