BMA kicks off campaign to inoculate bedridden Bangkokians


Bangkok Metropolitan Administration on Friday launched a platform for people who are bedridden or cannot leave home to register for a Covid-19 shot.

The shots will be delivered by a special team of medics, Bangkok governor Pol General Aswin Kwanmuang said, adding that this campaign aims to curb the spread of Covid-19. 

“Families that have a bedridden patient or an elderly person who has not been vaccinated yet are required to immediately register for a jab,” the governor added. 

BMA kicks off campaign to inoculate bedridden Bangkokians
The BMA is also sending teams to communities and areas with high infection rates to conduct tests and deliver shots to bedridden or elderly people.

Shots for this target group can be booked at

BMA kicks off campaign to inoculate bedridden Bangkokians BMA kicks off campaign to inoculate bedridden Bangkokians