Of the 150 patients, 131 had minor reactions, 15 suffered from moderate reactions and four were hospitalised after being inoculated. Their combined compensation is THB991,700.
“Affected recipients or family members can file a case at public hospitals, provincial public health offices or NHSO branch offices nationwide. Each case will take up to five days for consideration,” he said.
The criteria for compensation are as follows:
- A maximum THB400,000 in case of death or total disability
- Maximum THB240,000 in case of losing an organ or disability
- Maximum THB100,000 in case of continuous injury or sickness.
“This compensation is considered preliminary aid during an emergency situation. Patients or family members can file a case immediately without any autopsy or medical investigation results,” Jadet said.
“Once the compensation is paid it will not be recalled, even if a later investigation reveals that the death/injuries were not directly related to the vaccine.”
Jadet added that the compensation is only applicable to vaccines that have been procured by the government and excludes alternative vaccines imported by private hospitals.