First semester will start 11 days later in some schools


Education Minister Treenuch Thienthong announced on Tuesday that the first semester for the 2021 academic year will start from June 1 instead of May 17 to curb the spread of Covid-19.

“Schools, teachers and staff must use the period between May 7 and 31 to prepare school buildings, classrooms and teaching equipment in line with guidelines set up by the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration and provincial communicable disease agencies,” the minister said. “Teachers should also communicate with students and parents to prepare them for the changed semester date.

“Schools will have to provide lessons for the 11 school days that will be missed to ensure the curriculum is not affected. The semester will end as scheduled on October 11,” she said.

Treenuch added that the ministry will evaluate the Covid-19 situation regularly and announce measures accordingly but will aim to minimize the impact on students’ schooling, such as providing online classes in high-risk areas.

“Schools outside city areas that are not affected by the outbreak situation will be allowed to continue their classes as per normal,” she said.