Motorbikes dominate Thai roads, as vehicles aggravate pollution

SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 2021
Motorbikes dominate Thai roads, as vehicles aggravate pollution

The high number of vehicles on Thai roads have been blamed for the increasing PM2.5 dust pollution affecting both urban and non-urban people.

Statistics from the Ministry of Transport showed that the number of vehicles of all types across the country as of February 288 was 41,633,891 cars, or equivalent to three-fourths of Thailand's population of about 70 million people.

Most of the registered vehicles are motorbikes, which make up half of the total vehicles, or 21,452,050 vehicles.

Passenger cars with seating capacity for up to 7 people (Sedan) account for 10,530,697 vehicles, and multi-purpose vehicles such as vans and pickups (6,897,580), and a group of specialised cars such as tractors (579,128), microbus (435,360), taxi motorcycles (168,839) and agricultural vehicles (109,284) account for the rest.

Thailand Web Stat