DLT unveils new rules on power, speed of electric vehicles

DLT unveils new rules on power, speed of electric vehicles

New Department of Land Transport (DLT) regulations governing the minimum speed and power of electric vehicles (EVs) were published in the government gazette on Thursday.

The rules apply to the engine size of electric cars, pickups, taxis, three-wheelers and motorcycles.

The first category covers inter-provincial service vehicles carrying up to seven passengers – taxis, rental cars, pickups and small four-wheel trucks.

These must have an electric motor of least 15 kilowatts (kW) and a top speed of not less than 90 kilometres per hour. They must also show a letter E for regular EVs or S for small EVs at the rear of the vehicle.

The second category covers personal vehicles carrying up to seven people – personal cars, trucks and SUVs. These must have an electric motor of at least 4kW and a top speed of at least 45kph.

For the third category, three-wheelers must have a minimum 4kW of power and a speed of at least 45kph.

Meanwhile, electric motorcycles must be at least 250 watts and be capable of 45kph. E-motorcycles for public use (taxis, etc) must not exceed 4kW.

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