“The ministry’s Anti-Fake News Centre contacted the office of the Ministry of Justice’s permanent secretary to verify the information and was told that it was not true.” it said.
“The office said that the Royal Gazette website recently published a ministerial regulation that allows the selling and possession of category II narcotics under the Narcotic Act BE 2522 (1979), which contain 102 ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium, and fresh opium.
“Under the ministerial regulation, the permit to sell and possess category II narcotics will only be granted to applicants for purposes of medical treatment, disease prevention, medical or scientific analysis or study, and for the benefit of the government.”
The office also added that only kratom leaves had been removed from the category V narcotics list since March, as the move was meant to align with the current environment where people, especially farmers and labourers in the southern region, consumed kratom leaves. However, the sale of kratom leaves to adolescents are still prohibited.
For more information, contact the Ministry of Justice’s permanent secretary office via telephone 0-2141-5100, or visit www.moj.go.th. Report fake news via website www.antifakenewscenter.com.