Eighty medics infected with Covid so far

Eighty medics infected with Covid so far

Thailand's most updated English news website, newspaper english, breaking news : The Nation

The coronavirus crisis has taken a grave toll on medical staff, with 80 so far infected by the virus since January, said Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman of the government's Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, on Thursday (April 9).

As of April 8, coronavirus infections among medical staff accounted for 3.4 per cent of the total 2,258 confirmed cases in Thailand.

Of those 80, 50 were infected while working in hospitals – in emergency rooms, dental clinics and operating theatres – while 18 caught the virus in a local community. The source of the remaining 12 infections is still under investigation.

Worst hit among medical staff are nurses, 36 of whom have contracted Covid-19 so far. Next on the list come doctors, with 16 infections, followed by pharmacists (2) dentists (2) operating theatre staff (1), sundry others (10), and staff working in the health field (13).

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