Amid risk of epidemic, WHO urges Thai hospitals to step up monitoring during Chinese New Year

Amid risk of epidemic, WHO urges Thai hospitals to step up monitoring during Chinese New Year

The new Coronavirus 2019 could be human-to-human transmitted with the danger of the epidemic spreading to other areas, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned on Wednesday (January 15). 

The WHO has sent an alert to all hospitals worldwide to control the spread of the virus, as there is no medicine to treat the infection.
Dr Daniel Kertesz, WHO Representative to Thailand Centre, asked government agencies to closely monitor the situation, especially during Chinese New Year which starts from January 25, since many Chinese tourists are going to Thailand.
There are currently 41 coronary cases in Wuhan, China, including one patient who died.
The medical community has discovered six human coronal viruses, four of which have a moderate impact on the respiratory system and two other two species -- severe acute respiratory syndrome and the Middle East respiratory syndrome -- that can cause severe respiratory illnesses. However, the type of the latest coronavirus remains mysterious. 

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