The fee is four times the Bt20 collected currently, because it will cover the cost of waste disposal in addition to collection fees.
Garbage-collection fees for businesses will also rise based on the amount and type of garbage.
Under the draft regulation approved by the Bangkok Council, households producing less than 20 litres of garbage will pay Bt40 for collection and another Bt40 for disposal per month.
The Bangkok governor is currently considering the regulation.
Chayawuth Siriyuthwattana, who chairs a special panel scrutinising the regulation, said that a January 21-February 5 poll on 3,095 Bangkokians revealed that over 70 per cent supported the collection of disposal fees for sewage, garbage and toxic waste.
The panel recommended that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration update its 2003 regulation in relation to payments for garbage collectors or private operators, bringing it in line with the new rule. The panel has also urged the city to make fee collection more efficient by launching an e-payment system and train staff so they can explain the new fee structure to people.
Under the new system, households with less than 20 litres of garbage per day will pay Bt80 a month, while those producing over 20 litres but less than 500 litres per day will pay Bt135 monthly (Bt65 for collection and Bt70 for disposal). Calculations are based on a per-unit basis, with one unit in this case being 20 litres.
Meanwhile, the monthly rate for businesses and big households producing more than 500 litres but less than one cubic metre will be hiked from Bt2,000 to Bt5,100 (Bt2,450 for collection and Bt2,650 for disposal), while those producing more than a cubic metre of garbage a day will pay Bt3,250 collection fee and Bt3,500 disposal fee.
Households that produce less than 500 litres of garbage during special events will be charged Bt125 for collection and Bt130 for disposal, while those producing more than 500 litres but less than one cubic metre of garbage will have to pay Bt180 for collection and Bt190 for disposal. Households producing one-cubic metre of garbage will be charged Bt245 for collection and Bt250 for disposal.
The monthly fee for collecting toxic waste below 13 litres or 2 kilograms per day will remain at the current Bt300, but a Bt480 fee will be added for disposal. Those producing higher volumes of toxic waste will pay monthly fees based on units of waste.
Separately, the new toxic waste-collection fee for a specific occasion is Bt3,000 for distances of under 10 kilometres with an additional Bt15 for each extra kilometre. The current one-time rate is Bt2,000.