The woman – whose name is being withheld in this report to protect the victim’s identity – had reportedly taken the child twice weekly to be molested and raped by the customer, identified only as Winai. The mother allegedly received Bt200 to Bt300 each time.
After their arrest on Sunday evening in an isolated location in Tambon Nong Yao in Phanom Sarakham district, the woman told police that she had had a sexual relationship with Winai – who was an already-married man with a daughter – and became pregnant with a baby girl.
She claimed that she had told Winai that the girl was his daughter, but the man had refused to accept that and so she had found another person to sign the birth certificate.
This case was brought to the Thai authority’s attention after a complaint was filed with the Dhamrongtham Centre over alleged child abuse.
The mother was charged with procuring a child for prostitution, illegal detention and coercion, while the man was charged with raping a minor under 16 and molesting a minor under 15.
The child has been put under the care of the Social Development and Human Security Ministry.