Bodies of migrant workers brought to Bangkok for autopsy

SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2019

Miracle of Life Foundation rescue workers transported the bodies of the 10 migrant workers killed in a collision in Kanchanaburi to Bangkok for autopsy early on Sunday morning.

The bodies were brought in a caravan of 10 rescue trucks at 1am to the Police General Hospital’s Institute of Forensic Medicine. The foundation’s Kanchanaburi branch executive Suchon Thiwakorn said the 10 deceased were migrant workers from Laos and Vietnam. The deceased included five Vietnam nationals – identified as Van Son Phan, 26; Vam Nhat Tran, 31; Thi Bich Doan, 33; Thi Thuydung Pham, 21; and Thi Thu Nguyen, 27 – and five Laotians – identified as Bouala Phimmasaen, 21; Phengta Khamphoumy, 20; Vienvilay Phothinan, 53; Aenoy Khamfaivanh, 19; and Noy Xayasing, 23. 
Also slightly injured in the crash were the truck driver Janya Phumarin and three Laotian women going by the names Ying, Kaew and Doung. 
The accident took place early on Saturday morning in Kanchanaburi’s Tha Muang district when a van carrying migrant workers was hit by an 18-wheeler and both vehicles plunged into a roadside canal.