Bangkok beggar’s kindness wins praise online

Bangkok beggar’s kindness wins praise online

Students soliciting donations for their Bangkok school got quite a surprise this past weekend when a raggedy beggar dropped coins into their boxes.

The incident was observed by Facebook user “Na Wat Muang Chon”, who shared it on the “Accident News of Amata, Chon Buri” page on Sunday.
A beggar’s kindness drew praise from many people among 3,000 reactions. The post was shared more than 200 times.
Na Wat said he’d seen the students from Ban Sop Puen School in Chon Buri holding donation boxes and then a man in dirty clothes with nasty lesions on his hands walk up, draw several coins from a pouch and drop them in both donation boxes.
The students, taken aback, were struck silent until one of them remembered to say, “Thank you.”
Na Wat said the beggar then walked to a bus stop in front of Big C Ramkhamhaeng, sat on the sidewalk and began soliciting his own donations.
Na Wat took the man’s photo to share and urged Facebook users to be kind if they see him.

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