Retired Narathiwat school director in apparent suicide after saying goodbye on LINE

Retired Narathiwat school director in apparent suicide after saying goodbye on LINE

A retired school director in Narathiwat shot himself to death Monday morning after saying goodbye to a close friend via the LINE chat app.

After the friend got the message, he rushed to the house of Narathip Chumprasal, 60, only to find that he had died from a gunshot wound to the neck.
The friend alerted Mueang Narathiwat police station of the incident at 7.30 am.
Police then rushed to the house where Narathip had been living alone in Tambon Bang Nak.
Narathip was found to have apparently shot himself with a 9mm pistol aimed into his mouth, with the bullet exiting through the neck.
Police said Narathip had until very recently been a director of Muang Narathiwat School, having retired on September 30, and was also president of the Wat Bang Nara community.
He lived alone at the house as his wife and children work in other provinces.
His family said Narathip had been suffering from chronic ailments, including heart disease.
The friend, a retired official of Mueang Narathiwat municipality, said he had rushed to check on Narathip at his house after receiving a LINE message saying “goodbye” and with a flower sticker.

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