Tech giants sign deal on vocational education

Tech giants sign deal on vocational education

SHARP THAI Co Ltd and Foxconn Group have joined the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC)’s bandwagon for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Cooperation (TVET) to improve vocational education using technology and internships.

The memorandum of understanding for the three-year deal was signed last week. 
OVEC secretary-general Suthep Chittawong signed the document with Sharp Thai managing director Robert Wu and Hongfutai Precision Electronics (Yantai) Co, Foxconn vice president Chin-Shin Chen. Tech giants sign deal on vocational education
Sharp Corporation Japan executive Yoshihiro Hashimoto also attended, along with some 500 others to witness the MoU being signed. 
Suthep said that the creation of quality manpower for the country was in line with the Thailand 4.0 concept of “smart city” intelligence and digitalisation, which requires vocational education students to have both the vocational skills and the knowledge in technology. The best way was with cooperation with the private sector which could bring knowledge and technology to strengthen student competence, the OVEC chief said. 

Tech giants sign deal on vocational education
The cooperation with Sharp and Foxconn would improve teaching and learning, particularly in electrical and electronics technology, he said.
During his speech, Wu told the audience that the two companies’ technology advancement would help vocational colleges to develop hardware and software for modern, precise and digitalised teaching materials. 
Wu said the teaching would create “smart education” where students are more motivated to learn and research using technology and to get internship opportunities to boost their abilities.

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