81-year-own store owner fights off robber

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018
81-year-own store owner fights off robber

An 81-year-old owner of a Chon Buri grocery store fought off a robber who eventually grabbed Bt1300 and fled on Thursday evening, police said.

Police said the robbery took place at 4pm at a grocery store in Tambon Surasak in Chon Buri’s Si Racha district.
Shop owner Naruemol Intharachote suffered slight bruises to her knees and foot during the tussle.
She said a motorcyclist gave her Bt40 for Bt35 in goods he purchased and she gave him Bt5 in change.

81-year-own store owner fights off robber
The man later walked back in and claimed he gave her a Bt1,000 note and demanded more change.
He then walked to the money drawer, where Naruemol pushed him off, but the man managed to grab Bt1,300. She then shoved him repeatedly to get him out of the shop and he fled on his motorcycle.

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