Hunt on for Prachin Buri boy accused of molesting toddler cousin

MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018
Hunt on for Prachin Buri boy accused of molesting toddler cousin

An 11-year-old Prachin Buri boy accused of sexually molesting his female cousin, a toddler, is in hiding with his mother as police begin investigating a complaint filed by the alleged victim’s parents.

Saying the boy and his mother had fled their community in Kabin Buri district, thus demonstrating the boy’s guilt, the parents want the youngster apprehended and interrogated in front of a multidisciplinary committee.
District police superintendent Pol Colonel Wanchai Pitaktansakul said evidence was being gathered.
The parents of the girl, two years and 10 months old, filed a police complaint on May 23, two days after discovering an infection in her genitalia.
A Kabin Buri Hospital doctor concluded the infection had resulted from sexual violation and the girl put the blame on her 11-year-old cousin, who lived in the same neighbourhood.
“I pity my daughter for having undergone such a trauma at such a young age,” the girl’s 32-year-old father said. “I want the police to bring the attacker to justice and I won’t show him any leniency, even though we are related.”

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