The chief of Hat Noppharat Thara-Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park, Worapot Lomlim, said villagers had found a lot of small jellyfish with red tentacles, locally known as red jellyfish or fire jellyfish, on Ao Ling (Monkey Beach).
“There is a first-aid team stationed in the area already and strict warnings for beachgoers,” he said.
However, he said the discovery was completely natural.
“We’ve had a stormy weather with high tides, so the strong waves bring the jellyfish in from the deep sea to the shallow water and onshore. There were more jellyfish found this year but it is normal and natural. They will disappear within about a week.”
Worapot also offered advice for people who are stung by jellyfish: pour vinegar on the affected area.
“However, people who have severe allergies need to be sent to hospital urgently,” he said, adding that there were first-aid teams on each island in the area to provide assistance.
Fire jellyfish are mainly found in Than Bok Khorani National Park and they also get close to the shores at Maya Bay, Poda Island and Talay Waek in Krabi.
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