Jealous husbands the biggest culprits in spousal murders, study finds

Jealous husbands the biggest culprits in spousal murders, study finds

HUSBANDS WERE the killers in most of the murders committed by spouses last year, a senior official at the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation said yesterday.

Jaree Srisawat said: “In 117 cases, we have found that husbands murdered their wives in 84 such cases and related persons in 17 others.” 
She added that in the remaining cases, wives were the murderers. 
She was referring to statistics that were based on stories that appeared in 13 major newspapers in Thailand last year. 
“Most of the wife killings took place because husbands were jealous or became estranged,” Jaree said. 
She presented the findings at a forum held to address the problem of domestic violence. 
A 33-year-old woman told the forum that she had endured assaults for more than seven years in the hope that her abusive husband would one day change. “But I was wrong,” she said. 
She said her jealous husband used both verbal and physical violence when he was drinking or taking drugs. 
“Battering was common. And once, he stabbed me in the stomach. The injuries were so serious that I spent more than 20 days at a hospital,” she said. 
She said every time she still got back to him, but not the last time when he attempted to stab her in the head with a knife. She used her hand to protect her head and ended up sustaining serious ligament damage. 
To end the painful cycle of violence, she took legal action against her ex-husband, who is now serving a jail term for his crime. 
“Yet, I still live in fear out of worry that once he walks out of jail he will re-start the cycle,” she said. 

Jealous husbands the biggest culprits in spousal murders, study finds

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Speaking at the same forum, Thai Health Promotion Foundation’s deputy manager Dr Bandit Sornphaisarn said there was a significant link between alcohol consumption and crimes. 
“More than half of those younger than 25 years old said they committed the crimes after drinking,” he said.
He was referring to a survey of 880 prisoners who were convicted of physical assaults and murders. 
Bandit said a 2015 survey by the Centre for Alcohol Studies showed 82 per cent of respondents were adversely affected by people who drank alcohol. 
“They feel insecure when there are people drinking around them at a public place,” he said. “Some have said drinking people also cause loud noises disrupting their rest at night.” 

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